Instructions for use Dietoll

Diet without feeling hungry - now it's real. in Bulgaria, the innovative capsule Dietoll appeared, with which you can quickly lose the hated kilograms. To get the maximum effect from the use of capsules, you must strictly follow the instructions.

The medicine should be taken 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink plenty of clean water or non-carbonated minerals. When taking tablets, you must adhere to the regimen of drinking at least 1. 5 liters of pure water per day.

If a large amount of ketotic weight loss is required, extending the course of taking the drug can be done without fear.

Who should receive Dietoll

Dietoll capsule usage instructions

Tablets are indicated for obese people who want to lose weight. With regular use of the drug, patients achieve good results in losing weight. Dietoll is suitable for athletes during the drying period, for people who want to organize their body. Capsules reduce body weight due to the breakdown of fat without reducing muscle mass. The fat burning process starts from the moment you take the first capsule. With a lack of carbohydrates entering the body, the body begins to draw energy by processing its own fat reserves. It is recommended to use capsules with an inactive lifestyle, overweight, malnutrition.

This medicine is recommended for symptoms:

  1. obesity in any degree;
  2. diabetes;
  3. endocrine system disorders;
  4. constant hunger;
  5. metabolic disorders.

Contraindications to taking Dietoll capsules

The instructions indicate that despite the natural composition of the drug, capsules should be taken with caution by people:

  1. with individual intolerance to components;
  2. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. under 12 years of age.

If it is necessary for children to take capsules to lose weight, it is necessary to consult a specialist and reduce the number of capsules to 1 capsule per day.

Release form

The white capsule is oblong and comes in a white plastic jar with a yellow label with an image of orange and raspberry.

Over dose

It is recommended to take Dietoll strictly according to the instructions. Do not exceed the daily dose of the drug, be careful how to use it. Side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain in the gastrointestinal tract are possible with a single excess of the maximum allowed dose several times. If the patient has taken several capsules at a time and side effects appear, it is recommended to take a sorbent and consult a doctor.